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 Principal activity of Azpetrol Ltd. LLC, which entered into the economic sphere of Azerbaijan with the opening of its first filling station on July 15, 1997 in Baku, is the retail and wholesale of fuel through petrol and gas stations network.


At present the Company operates 78 petrol stations (PS) and 5 gas stations (GS) furnished with the latest and up-to-date equipment by covering most economic regions of Azerbaijan.

In order to increase the quality of the fuel and ensure the continual supply of the stations with fuel, Azpetrol put into operation its modern Fuel Depot in 1999 which meets the contemporary standards. The Fuel Depot is equipped with electronics produced in leading countries of Europe, fire fighting, safety and fuel quality control systems.


For the purpose of continuous and timely delivery of the fuel to PS and GS, the Company put into operation its Fleet of tanker trucks in 1999. 95 specialized tanker trucks of the Fleet provided under international standards are ready to leave at any time.


Also, it is especially important to note that Azpetrol is one of the largest employers in Azerbaijan. Hence, at present the Company has more than 2770 employees.

Şirkət  yanacağın YDM və QDM-lərə fasiləsiz olaraq və vaxtında çatdırılması məqsədi ilə1999-cu ildə yanacaqdaşıyan maşınların Avtoparkını istismara vermişdir. Beynəlxalq standartlara uyğun təşkil olunmuş həmin Avtoparkda 120 yanacaq daşıyan avtomobil istənilən vaxt yola çıxmağa hazırdır.

Həmçinin "Azpetrol"un Azərbaycanın ən iri işəgötürənlərindən biri olduğunu xüsusi ilə qeyd etmək vacibdir. Belə ki, hazırda Şirkətdə çalışan işçilərin ümumi sayı 3200 nəfərdən çoxdur.

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